Saturday, June 4, 2011


I've been intending to make a blog for some time now, partly because I have a lot of spare time and partly because my brother expressed interest in reading it... So yes, I've finally gotten around to making one.  I doubt I'll often write about much more than my gaming interests, but we'll see, I suppose.

In the online world, I generally go by "The Overseer", a name taken as a reference to the Overseer in Fallout 3.  It was sometime in my first week of playing Team Fortress 2 that I decided to change my Steam name; previously it was RedSpiderDance.  I may have stuck with my original name, but I wanted to avoid using anything with red or blue mentioned since TF2's teams are represented by those colours.  I had just beaten Fallout 3 for the third or fourth time when I got TF2, so it was still fresh in mind.  Perhaps at another time I would have chosen a different name for myself, but it would have been annoying to have a name change when I had already become known by the people on the server I frequented at the time.  I've grown quite fond of being The Overseer, anyway; to the point where I usually identify the term 'Overseer' as more feminine than masculine.

Before my Team Fortress 2 days, my online gaming was not very diverse.  I primarily stuck to Warcraft III and GunBound, both incredibly fun games, until I got into World of Warcraft. On for Warcraft III, I had several screen names, the first one being 'Asharii', the name of a character I invented that I drew frequently with my school friends.  In World of Warcraft my main was a Night Elf druid, also named Asharii.  I preferred to stick to a healing role as a druid, but I remember being incredibly happy to get cat form at level 20. (Cats are awesome.)  I played on both RP and PvP servers, depending on which friend I was playing with.  I pretty much stopped playing WoW as soon as I got Steam/TF2, but my younger sister still plays. (Maining a Dwarf Shaman and NE Druid, I believe.)

More recently, I've been playing more online games, but TF2 is still my primary focus.  I've taken on another alias, "The Lemonade" which was sort of unintentional, but now I switch my name on Steam on occasion.  With my computer's functional state degrading, I've been playing more League of Legends than TF2 lately, but I should be upgrading my computer at some point in the near future.

Computer upgrades are the best upgrades.