Misogyny-Free Zone (M-FZ) - Steam Community hosting a TF2 server with no random crits or random damage spread. Server IP
(Mostly) TF2 Charms, Keychains, etc - Handmade charms by the leader of the M-FZ community to support server costs. She also has little clay pokemon figurines now.
fyrefly requiem on Gaionline - My sister's gaiaonline profile. She has a lot of nice avatar art drawn for her; also usually has pretty music in the background.
ishildehn on Gaiaonline - My gaiaonline profile that pretty much never sees the light of day.
Sir Jaspero's DeviantArt - Known as Starlingsage5775, this cool person has drawn several steam avatars for me and is an amazing friend. One of the nicest people I've ever met online.
Kay's Casual Gamer Blog - My best friend; she plays games for the story only.
Hickeronsia - My brother's blog. He and I have similar writing styles, I think.