Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mass Effect 3: First Thoughts

Primarily a response to Kayl's post.
Right, so the game I'm most looking forward to this year is, naturally, Mass Effect 3. I played through the demo a few times the day it came out, I've seen a few trailers, and I've checked up on some of the features and such. I loved the first two games; I'm a huge RPG fan and space travel/aliens has always been an interest of mine, so this series has been one of my favourites.
I failed at keeping this short. [Be warned of minor spoilers.]

First Thoughts::
The new character creation doesn't seem much different than ME2's PC on high settings to me, though they did add a new female hairstyle that looks so much better than all the others that I will probably unfortunately be using it on all my female characters. My only minor problem is that you can't use eyeshadow as dark as the default female Shepard and there is still no way to make an attractive male Shepard without using the default. FemShep looks alright most of the time pretty easily.

The aiming feels so much better, based on playing the demo, that I may actually decide to use the soldier class... However, it has been changed so that all classes can use any weapon, but the amount of weapons you carry increases the cooldown time on your abilities. In the demo you could see that if you're carrying only one weapon, you can spam your abilities like crazy, yet carrying three made the cooldown incredibly long. I like this change, as it makes the ability-oriented classes a lot more fun.

I am not happy to see the two new squadmates are both human, as I think having more alien squadmates would have been more interesting. I am even more unhappy to see that the new female human is voiced by Jessica Chobot, who is pretty much the epitome of fake-annoying-wannabenerd-female, and while I'm probably being harsh, it's disappointing to see that type of person at all, let alone see that BioWare is letting one voice a character simply to get through to her "fans". This video may show a bit of why I dislike her. [She didn't impress during the interview about Mass Effect 3, either.]

I am saddened that the original voice actor for Mordin Solus is not returning. I am also saddened that Cerberus has turned out to be messed up more, but I'm hoping there is some slight redemption for the Illusive Man at some point; he's a fantastic character, despite his methods.

I've heard good things about the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, though apparently the adept class is overpowered due to their stasis ability working on all enemies. I haven't had the chance to play it due to a router issue that is plaguing a small amount of people. Hopefully BioWare fixes the problem.

BioWare claimed that they were focusing a lot on relationships with crew members, even more than usual, and since I like the stories so much this should be a positive thing for me. [They also added a story-esque mode for people who want to breeze through the combat to see the cutscenes, that may prove useful when replaying it to see different conversation choices at a later time.] You can also make a male Shepard gay now, which is appreciated since the previous two games allowed for lesbian relationships but not male/male. Equality is good.

I've had a look at the list of everything that affects the outcome of the final battle, and I was pleased to see that actions from previous games have an effect, even if it's a minor one, as before this list was released it appeared like a lot of actions weren't changing anything at all. [They don't really change anything plot-wise, which kinda sucks since this is the last game in the series and they could have made things change wildly based on previous actions.] Difficult to say much else on this topic before the game comes out, though.

Anyway, I'm still really looking forward to this game. Hopefully won't be disappointing. The biggest problem with the game so far is that I have to use EA's Origin to run it. Steam is much better. I will have to run Origin THROUGH Steam and then launch Mass Effect 3 to be able to take screenshots.  [Pretty lame.]
Some things I'm really hoping for::
-Illusive Man redemption in some manner
-A lot of dialogue with Legion + more on the non-heretic geth
-Awesome romance subplots [the list of possible romances was released already]
-Taunting the Turian council member who dismissed the reaper claims
-Joker + EDI relationship

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Free Ozma.

Every day we citizens of the Internet enjoy many freedoms; we play video games with friends, we listen to music and watch youtube videos for free, we laugh at cats, we can even spend our time making others angry and then laugh at them, too. But every day, one of our own is not enjoying these freedoms.


A loyal citizen of the Internet, Ozma is being denied many of the rights that make us who we are today. Be you gamer or facebooker, admin or troll, this transgression speaks to all of us.

Not long ago, this conversation took place between myself and the Ozma in question.
8:32 PM - (U███?) DemoDemoMerp: shall we parttake in fortress of teamness duo
8:32 PM - ♥ the overseer: yes
8:32 PM - (U███?) DemoDemoMerp: splendid
8:33 PM - (U███?) DemoDemoMerp: come to private
8:33 PM - (U███?) DemoDemoMerp: so we may be priate
8:33 PM - (U███?) DemoDemoMerp: and watch as the flock comes
8:33 PM - (U███?) DemoDemoMerp: also brb spanish cursaders at door

It is my firm belief that these Spanish crusaders are the underlying cause behind this tragedy.

We don't ask for donations or money, all we want is to spread awareness of this cruel injustice.
Someday, with your help, Ozma will be free.

2:56 AM - (UVlad?) Ozma: anyway that song
2:56 AM - (UVlad?) Ozma: will be a song in one the internet's final bosses
2:56 AM - ♥ the overseer: the internet is vera dangerous
2:56 AM - (UVlad?) Ozma: i know.
2:56 AM - (UVlad?) Ozma: but im the hero it deserves

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14th

Valentine's Day. I always forget this holiday exists, honestly.

A few weeks ago, one of my closer friends told me about how he disliked this day. After all, the nature of the day itself is to celebrate those involved in romantic relationships, I suppose it would be fair for the uninvolved to be less happy. I never noticed it though. The extent of this holiday for me was Elementary school kids passing around silly cards to everyone in the room. I don't think anyone could feel left out in that situation. As I moved on through middle and high school, the holiday just stopped existing for the most part. I think in high school one year some afterschool club ran a silly "matchmaking" test that you could pay a few bucks to see your results, but that's it. I can't remember any people going out of their way to make single people feel bad, or any single people going out of their way to express that they were miserable. I'm sure other schools had things much differently, but here there was pretty much nothing.

In general, it's a waste of a holiday, in my opinion. There shouldn't need to be a specific day to express your feelings to your partner, maybe an anniversary for something special, but Valentine's Day seems too much of a commercialized thing to have any meaning.

The Mass Effect 3 Demo came out today for PC, though. That certainly makes this an okay day this year.